Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I am proud to announce the 13th Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC® will be held in Budapest, Hungary from 20-22 September 2023. As Europe’s most important multi-disciplinary and multi-professional organisation in the field of pain science, we represent 38 constituent national pain societies with over 20,000 scientists, doctors, physiotherapists, nurses, psychologists, and other healthcare professionals. Our core domains of activity focus on education, research and advocacy.
On behalf of the Federation it gives me great pleasure to invite you to the most prestigious and largest international pain meeting in 2023. Under the theme of ‘Personalised Pain Management: The Future is Now’ we are planning an ambitious programme of lectures, workshops, refresher courses and networking initiatives on acute, chronic, cancer and non-cancer pain. In addition to the latest developments in basic, translational and clinical science, we will also focus on pain management in primary care , as well as multimodal interdisciplinary care.
Professor Esther Pogatzki-Zahn is leading an excellent, multidisciplinary Scientific Programme Committee (SPC) building the in-person programme that will include established internationally known scientists, as well as younger fellows and postdocs. We all value the benefit of personal networking, and in Budapest you will once again be able to meet old friends, and hopefully develop new collaborative networks.
A comprehensive Industrial Exhibition, and sponsored Satellite Symposia, will perfectly complement the scientific content. On behalf of the European Pain Federation EFIC®, I encourage you to join us for the most ambitious Pain Congress in 2023.
Kind regards,
Brona Fullen, PhD, MSc, BSc
President, European Pain Federation EFIC®
Congress website can be found here:
Abstract submission is currently open (deadline 30 December 2022). Find more information, guidelines, topics and the submission portal here:
Plenary speakers and sessions have been announced and details about the topics, debates and research covered can be found here: