About us

The Moldovan Society for the Study and Management of Pain is a non-governmental organization focused on the development of research, education, and clinical management of pain. The society was founded in 2006. 

We became a National chapter, representing Moldova in the International Society for the Study of Pain in 2014 and the European Pain Federation EFIC in 2015. 

The Moldovan Society for the Study and Management of Pain serves as an authorized scientific foundation for the multidisciplinary approach to pain and the use of the latest techniques and drugs in order to solve this problem.

We are here to create and develop educational programs that will be directed toward training practitioners in the mechanism, diagnosis, and treatment of pain.

We offer a wide range of events, programs, lessons, and workshops in order to fuel clinicians’ practices with evidence-based guidelines and schemes.

We want pain to remain just a noun, and that’s why we aim to raise the yield of knowledge and awareness in patients to another level.

“Pain is evitable, suffering is optional” – Kathleen Casey

Our activities